The small dilated blood vessels that become visible as thin purple, blue or twisted red lines on the mucous membranes or skin’s surface are called spider veins. The term “spider veins” is because of their looks like a spider web or tree branches.

In general, spider veins appear as a result of weak or damaged valves in the vein and it may affect on the hands, legs, and face (chin, nose, and cheeks).

Some other sources which can cause spider veins are: genetics, hormonal changes, age, stress, wearing tight clothes, a prolonged period of sitting or standing, overweight,  certain medications, constipation, overexposure to sun’s harmful UV rays, blood clots, etc.

Although spider veins are usually harmless but sometimes occur to cause pain, throbbing rashes, swelling, restless legs, and itching around the affected area. If not treated correctly, it results in skin ulcers or varicose veins.

Before start using the creams or counter medications, first, give a chance to natural home remedies to get rid of spider veins.

Method – 1 (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (Apple Cider Vinegar) enhance blood circulation and that why reduces the pain and swelling caused by spider veins on the skin.

Fill a bowl with organic and raw apple cider vinegar and soak a piece of clean cloth.

Wring it to remove the excess vinegar when you take out the cloth.

Put it on the affected areas for 15 – 30 minutes.

In the end, remove the cloth and do the same for 2 – 3 times daily.

Note: You can drink a glass of water mixed with a little of honey and 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar to improve proper blood circulation and to get rid of your problem.

Method – 2: (Ginger)

Ginger makes the veins less visible and helps to break up the strength of a blood protein called fibrin in the areas where the veins are injured. Ginger also reduce the blood pressure and improve blood circulation to get rid of the problem.

Cut thin slices of 1 – inch piece washed and fresh ginger root.

Put these slices in 2 cups of boiling water.

Keep it over low heat for 10 minutes.

Then add enough honey to the tea.

Drink this ginger tea to clear the spider veins.

Consume ginger tea for 2 – 3 times daily till you get rid of the spider veins.

Note: Another way to get relief from the spider veins is by simply chewing ginger slices, having ginger ale, including ginger in diet, etc. Before using ginger consult your doctor if you are taking any blood thinners or blood pressure medications.

Method – 3: (Horse Chestnut)

Horse Chestnut is a herb that builds up the veins and lowers the pain caused by spider veins with its amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effects. Also, it has been proved that using horse chestnut or its extract can remove the spider veins.

Mix 10 tablespoons of distilled witch hazel with 1 tablespoon of horse chestnut.

Stir the mixture well and put it on the affected area.

Hold it for a few minutes.

Put the mixture for twice daily till you get rid of the problem.

NATURAL METHODS TO GET RID OF SPIDER VEINS Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: steevany elsi